Title: Atrail - Nisekawiteki Nichijou to Senmitsu Element Other name: ATRAIL -ニセカヰ的日常と殲滅エレメント-Type: Japanese Manga - Read from right to left.Volume: Unknown.Genre: Action Drama Romance School Life Sci-fi Shounen Author: TANIGUCHI Goro (Story), HIGUCHI Akihiko (Art).Status: Ongoing.Score:
Iori Shijima, an ordinary high school student blessed with a good, common life. He has a cute childhood friend, lots of friends he can rely on, and a nice and beautiful mother. Additionally, his grades are good and he has a solid future plan. However, one day "transcendent beings" called ĀTRAIL appear on Earth, and Iori's everyday live crumbles as he learns about the secrets of another world and the meaning to his own existence.