
Title: Mogusa-sanOther name: もぐささん; 百草同学; MogusasanType: Japanese Manga - Read from right to left.Volume: Unknown.Genre: Comedy, Romance, School Life, SeinenAuthor: OOTAKE Toshitomo (Story and Art).Status: OngoingScore:

Normally calm Minori Mogusa have a thing about food. This thing catches attention of Torao Koguchi - our guy. Here the new food manga begins.

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Title: Mogusa-sanOther name: もぐささん; 百草同学; MogusasanType: Japanese Manga - Read from right to left.Volume: Unknown.Genre: Comedy, Romance, School Life, SeinenAuthor: OOTAKE Toshitomo (Story and Art).Status: OngoingScore:

Normally calm Minori Mogusa have a thing about food. This thing catches attention of Torao Koguchi - our guy. Here the new food manga begins.

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