Devilman G

Title: Devilman GOther name: Devilman GrimoireType: Japanese Manga - Read from right to left.Volume: Unknown.Genre: Action, Horror, ShounenAuthor: NAGAI Go, Takatou RuiStatus: Ongoing.Score:

"The masterpiece that shook the world of manga returns!" Present day Japan. Something inhuman has begun worming its way through the shadows. Makimura Miki and Fudou Akira are normal high school students until they have a crash encounter with demons from another world. As they realize that all is not as it seems, they must rely on demons and each other to survive as the world around them plunges into chaos. Devilman Grimoire combines elements of the original Devilman series, the anime, and its spin-off series to create a new tale of horror that will delight fans and new readers alike.

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Devilman G

Title: Devilman GOther name: Devilman GrimoireType: Japanese Manga - Read from right to left.Volume: Unknown.Genre: Action, Horror, ShounenAuthor: NAGAI Go, Takatou RuiStatus: Ongoing.Score:

"The masterpiece that shook the world of manga returns!" Present day Japan. Something inhuman has begun worming its way through the shadows. Makimura Miki and Fudou Akira are normal high school students until they have a crash encounter with demons from another world. As they realize that all is not as it seems, they must rely on demons and each other to survive as the world around them plunges into chaos. Devilman Grimoire combines elements of the original Devilman series, the anime, and its spin-off series to create a new tale of horror that will delight fans and new readers alike.

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