
Title: GokusaiOther name: Type: Japanese Manga - Read from right to left.Volume: Unknown.Genre: Seinen, Slice of LifeAuthor: SARUWATARI Tetsuya(Story and Art).Status: Ongoing.Score:

Art equals expression, an expression creating an outer form, expressing joy, sorrow, and the darkness of the soul. Yutou Riro is a student at an art college, but she believes she lacks the talent to truly succeed as an artist. Entering her life through a series of coincidences is Karaba Jo. To Riro's astonishment, Jo has an exceptional ability to draw the "real" self of the people/object he draws. His artwork draws attention to the finest details of his subject, bringing to light the truth behind each individual.

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Title: GokusaiOther name: Type: Japanese Manga - Read from right to left.Volume: Unknown.Genre: Seinen, Slice of LifeAuthor: SARUWATARI Tetsuya(Story and Art).Status: Ongoing.Score:

Art equals expression, an expression creating an outer form, expressing joy, sorrow, and the darkness of the soul. Yutou Riro is a student at an art college, but she believes she lacks the talent to truly succeed as an artist. Entering her life through a series of coincidences is Karaba Jo. To Riro's astonishment, Jo has an exceptional ability to draw the "real" self of the people/object he draws. His artwork draws attention to the finest details of his subject, bringing to light the truth behind each individual.

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